
doohickey connection allows you to interact with connections in the Doohickey Cloud environment. Connections represent a successful authentication between the integration framework and an external system, such as Open Integration Hub (OIH).


doohickey connection accepts one argument - an alias for the connection

Common Flags

All connection commands use the optional --environment flag for specifying a Doohickey Cloud project workspace.


doohickey connection create creates a connection record in Doohickey Cloud. The UUID for this connection will be saved for Doohickey CLI to reference later.


  • a Doohickey Cloud OIH environment record that contains a reference to a valid user
  • an OAuth2 auth client within that OIH environment

The create command will prompt for the following information:

  • an alias, if one is not provided as part of the command
  • a display name for the connection
  • a description for the connection
  • OAuth2 scopes, as a comma separated list (e.g. read_values,write_values)
  • a display name for the secret
  • a url for the OAuth2 success callback (defaults to http://localhost:7777)
  • an environment record in Doohickey Cloud
  • an existing user from the selected environment
  • an OAuth2 auth client from the selected environment

Creating a connection does not automatically create a secret. Run the doohickey connection start command to trigger the authorization process and create the actual secret.


doohickey connection delete will remove a connection from Doohickey Cloud. The connection can be specified by the --id flag, the alias argument, or selected from the list of existing connections if neither the flag nor the argument are provided.

--id (-i)stringThe ID used for selecting a connection


doohickey connection init will provide a list of connections that currently exist in Doohickey Cloud. You can select one of these connections to alias and save to your local doohickey configuration.

--id (-i)stringThe ID used for selecting a connection


doohickey connection start will begin the process of creating a secret from a connection. The connection can be specified by the --id flag, the alias argument, or selected from the list of existing connections if neither the flag nor the argument are provided.

--id (-i)stringThe ID used for selecting a connection


  • an existing connection (run doohickey connection create first if necessary)
  • an existing integration (run doohickey integration create first if necessary)

The start command will prompt for the following information:

  • an alias, if one is not provided as part of the command
  • whether to save the created secret to an existing integration (aka "integration configuration")
    • saving to an existing integration is optional, but recommended
    • not saving to an existing integration will create a new integration with just the generated secret in it
  • the Doohickey Cloud tenant to use for selecting the integration
  • the integration to save the secret to

Once you have completed the above prompts, follow the link in the console to complete the authorization process. Once the authorization process is complete the command will output a message stating the integration on which the secret was added. (It is only necessary to save this value if the secret is not being saved to an existing integration.)


doohickey connection update will apply an update to an existing connection. The connection can be specified by the --id flag, the alias argument, or selected from the list of existing connections if neither the flag nor the argument are provided.

--id (-i)stringThe ID used for selecting a connection


You are able to view a single connection as well as viewing all connections available in Doohickey Cloud.

View One Connection

To view a single connection, run the command doohickey connection view myConnectionAlias, replacing myConnectionAlias with the alias of the connection you would like to view, or doohickey connection view --id 12345 replacing 12345 with the UUID of the connection.

--id (-i)stringThe ID used for selecting a connection

View All Connections

To view all connections, run the command doohickey connection view and Doohickey Cloud will retrieve all connections and return limited information about them. To retrieve additional information, you can pass the --verbose flag.

--id (-i)stringThe ID used for selecting a connection
--verbose (-v)booleanVerbose mode for view command to list all columns