
Doohickey CLI provides a simple way to initalize an integration project. doohickey init will ask for all the necessary service URLs for Open Integration Hub and save them for future use. init will also create and initialize an integration project, including:

  • A transformation.yaml to use with in conjunction with the Doohickey VSCode Extension
  • A package.json containing the Doohickey Types NPM package
    • Doohickey Types provides helpful auto-complete and type-ahead for writing templates
  • A .gitignore containing the recommended files for excluding from source control
  • A .doohickey.json that will ultimately contain important environment information for Doohickey CLI
  • A .config/doohickey folder containing session configuration information for Doohickey CLI
  • A templates/sample folder containing the following:
    • A JS folder containing an example JavaScript file that can be used within a template
    • A JSON and JSONata folder containing a sample JSON and JSONata expression that go hand in hand with the transformation.yaml
    • An example template named sample.js to help jumpstart writing your first template


doohickey init takes one argument - an alias for your Open Integration Hub environment workspace. This alias will be used in future commands to reference this environment workspace.


There are optional flags available with this command. The user will be prompted for the value for any flags not provided:

  • --auditLogUrl or -a
    • string: Base URL for OIH audit log service
  • --componentUrl or -c
    • string: Base URL for OIH component repository
  • --flowUrl or -f
    • string: Base URL for OIH flow repository
  • --iamUrl or -i
    • string: Base URL for OIH IAM service
  • --secretServiceUrl or -s
    • string: Base URL for OIH secret service
  • --webhookServiceUrl or -w
    • string: Base URL for OIH webhook service


In your terminal, ensure your current working directory is the directory in which your integration project will live.

  • To check your current directory, run pwd

From your intended directory, simply run the doohickey init myWorkspaceAlias command - replacing myWorkspaceAlias with the alias you would like to use. If you did not provide values for all service URLs with flags, you will be prompted to enter the service URL one at a time. After all service URLs are received, they will be saved for future use and the above described files will be automatically generated.