
The doohickey login command is used to log into both the Doohickey Cloud and OIH environments.


doohickey login accepts one argument - an alias for either your Open Integration Hub or Doohickey Cloud environment.

Logging into OIH

--oih (-o)booleanrequired; indicates to Doohickey CLI that you are logging into an OIH environment
--url (-u)stringBase URL for OIH IAM service
--username (-U)stringUsername
--password (-p)stringPassword


To log into an OIH environment, first check that your current working directory is your integration project directory.

  • To check your current directory, run pwd

Once you have confirmed you are in the correct directory, run the command doohickey login myEnvironmentAlias --oih, replacing myEnvironmentAlias with the alias of the OIH environment you are logging into. If a username or password was not provided via flags, you will be prompted to enter them.

OIH will provide an access token that will be valid for a certain period of time. Doohickey CLI will store this access token and use it to authenticate calls to your OIH environment. After the token expires, you will need to log into the environment again.

Logging into Doohickey Cloud

--username (-U)stringTenant username
--password (-p)stringTenant password


To log into a Doohickey Cloud environment, first check that your current working directory is your integration project directory.

  • To check your current directory, run pwd

Once you have confirmed you are in the correct directory, run the command doohickey login myEnvironmentAlias, replacing myEnvironmentAlias with the alias of the Doohickey Cloud environment you are logging into. If a username or password was not provided via flags, you will be prompted to enter them.

Doohickey Cloud will provide both an access token and a refresh token. The access token will be valid for a certain period of time, after which the user will need to reauthenticate. Once you have successfully logged in for the first time, as long as the credentials are still valid, Doohickey CLI will refresh the access token automatically when a Doohickey Cloud command is run.