
doohickey tenant allows you to interact with tenants in the OIH environment, as well as set your current session tenant.


doohickey tenant accepts one argument - an alias for the tenant


doohickey tenant create is used to create a new tenant within OIH. These tenants can be used for separation of concern within the environment. The UUID for this tenant will be saved for Doohickey CLI to reference later, as well as for you to use within your templates. When this command is run, the created tenant is saved as the current session tenant.

--status (-s)stringTenant status: Active, Pending, or Disabled
--name (-n)stringName of tenant in OIH
--environment (-e)stringTarget OIH environment
--url (-U)stringBase URL for OIH IAM service


doohickey tenant init will return a list of all tenants currently in the OIH environment, allowing you to select one to alias. When this command is run, the aliased tenant is saved as the current session tenant.

--id (-id)stringId of existing tenant
--environment (-e)stringTarget OIH environment
--url (-U)stringBase URL for OIH IAM service


doohickey tenant select will return a list of all aliased components and allow you to set your current session tenant.

--environment (-e)stringTarget OIH environment